Maximising Kika

Getting the best value from Kika

Complete Toolkit

Using Kika’s complete inventory toolkit for all your jobs goes a long way to getting the productivity and cost saving benefits that come with using the system.

Those benefits are taken even further with each company that joins the Kika Community. This is the major reason why Kika is available to all removal companies and subcontractors.

Kika Network Effect

Each agent or removal partner company that uses Kika makes your subscription more valuable because there isn’t a need to send or receive anything to do with inventories. Access to all the relevant information will be on their dashboard and their devices will be able to complete the job.

For example, if your removal partner or origin agent creates an inventory on Kika then all that is needed on your side is for your delivery crew to enter the move reference number into the app, complete the delivery and the origin agent instantly receives the finalised delivery inventory pdf. This completes the job and now the payment process from the origin agent can begin. All done with no extra admin effort on your part.

International Benefits

This gets better if your origin agent is an international partner and the import shipment needs to be screened and transhipped. All these tasks are able to be done on the app with no admin involvement saving even more time and effort

Every partnering company or agent that uses Kika makes your inventory process easier.