Quick easy inventories

Use a solution that works with you, delivers more
productivity and saves you money

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Kika is the Complete Inventory Toolkit
for the Removal Industry

Kika is an end to end solution for everything in the inventory workflow with origin, destination and
controlling agent management, paper inventory integration - and much more

Why Kika ?

Branded Apps

Van Lines, Move Associations, Relocation and Move Companies can get their own branded apps with custom forms powered by Kika.

Open To All

No membership of any removal association required. Choose the system that is open to all your agents and contractors

Save Time

Never scan or lose another inventory again. Cut up to 70% of taps needed to complete an inventory

Platform Agnostic

Works with your moving system because why change what’s working for you ?

Paper Invents

Inventory created on paper? Use Kika to manage the delivery workflow by entering the system ‘half way’

Tablet Set Up

Road crews can set up jobs on the tablet meaning almost no admin required to implement Kika

Kika Direct

Don’t use agents or need to screen/tranship ? No problem. Kika also serves companies that only uplift/deliver


Screen inventories into categories like quarantine and storage for accurate and faster transhipping documentation


Inventory pdf’s get emailed to all concerned agents

Get the inventory pdf emailed instantly to you as soon as the job is finalised on the tablet

Experience the magic of Kika for yourself

Sign up now and put our best inventory system guarantee to
the test. No obligation or lock in contracts.

Start One Month Free Trial